“Elvira Golombosi and her partner, Hector Lasso, first started selling their jewelry line, Oraïk, in 2015 at the Las Dalias market in Ibiza. The intimate setting allowed them to have direct connection with their clients, which is still a priority for the couple. “I like to know where all our pieces go,” says Golombosi. The designer, who is originally from Ukraine, first visited Ibiza on holiday in 2013 and felt an immediate connection to its bohemian aesthetic; she and Lasso now live there about half the year.
Eventually, through word of mouth, their talismanic pieces — a ring in the shape of a jaguar with diamond eyes or a gold bracelet with two snake heads — became so coveted by the island’s insiders that, as of last year, the couple shifted to selling through studio appointments and scheduled appearances at the Sabina Estates, an exclusive development with villas designed by multiple architects including David Chipperfield. Golombosi, who designs the jewelry, sculpts each shape from soft wax while Lasso makes a cast of it and sets the stones. They have always worked in an organic way, creating pieces that look like they “could be found in an archaeological museum,” says Golombosi.
This summer, she had the urge to create a collection of pendants inspired by the zodiac. “The symbols of the zodiac are both ancient and figurative, so I wanted to do my own version of it,” she explains. The result: disks of gold with childlike reliefs that are colored with a centuries-old enamel technique and feature small gemstones. The couple has created a limited series of 50 pendants per symbol, launching this week for pre-order, and by the end of the year they will be available at Love Adorned in New York City. …”
Written by Gisela Williams for the T List, a newsletter from the editors of T Magazine - The New York Times Style Magazine
Oct 12 2022
Online article:
ORAÏK in L’OFFICIEL Ibiza, August 2022
Online article:
ORAÏK in HARPER’S BAZAAR U.S.edition, Print Issue May 2022
ORAÏK in FINANCIAL TIMES | How to spend it, Print Issue June 2021
“Also from art backgrounds are Elvira Golombosi and Hector Lasso, who bring their skills in sculpture and stone-carving to their joint venture Oraïk. Based in Ibiza, they hand-make bold, totemic rings, necklaces and bracelets that draw on traditional masks and prehistoric animals in a style they refer to as “roughly delicate”. Revelling in the organic imperfections of the lost-wax casting technique, they use gems mid-process to achieve a seamless, flowing design, while also adding semi- precious stones such as aquamarines and amethysts, and sometimes enamel accents, afterwards with traditional setting.”
Written by Victoria Woodcock, June 7 2021
ORAÏK in FINANCIAL TIMES | How to spend it, June 2021
Online article:
EN: https://www.ft.com/content/7fb79d43-aa27-43b3-8cf1-dd02989a6919
ORAÏK in VOGUE Ukraine, Print Issue July 2018
“Myths of the peoples of the world.
Fantastic totemic creatures in saturated yellow 22K gold are decorated with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tourmalines of neoclassical cut. The creators of ORAÏK jewellery brand, Ukrainian Elvira Golombosi and Colombian Hector Lasso, make rings and bracelets with their own hands in their studio in Ibiza. She draws and sculpts the models in beeswax, he does stone setting, engraving, as well as the technique of champlevé enameling.”
“Мифы народов мира.
Фантастические тотемные существа из насыщенного солнечно-желтого
22кaратного золота украшаются рубинами, сапфирами, бриллиантами и турмалинами неоклассической огранки. Создатели ювелирного бренда ORAÏK украинка Эльвира Голомбоси и колумбиец Гектор Лассо делают кольца и браслеты своими руками в мастерской на Ибице. Она рисует и лепит прототип из воска, он делает огранку камней , гравировку и чеканку по металлу, а также роспись горячей эмалью шамплеве.”
ORAÏK in VOGUE Spain, Print Issue December 2017
“Con base en ESPAÑA, estas firmas crean imaginativos ACCESORIOS.
Las vidas nómadas del colombiano Héctor Lasso y la ucraniana Elvira Golombosi confluyeron en Alemania. Desde su residencia actual, en Ibiza, moldean joyas de ecos tribales que, afirman, no son sólo bellas sino que emanan poder.”
“Based in SPAIN, these firms create imaginative ACCESSORIES.
The nomadic lives of Colombian Héctor Lasso and Ukrainian Elvira Golombosi came together in Germany. From their current residence in Ibiza, they sculpt jewels of tribal echoes that, they affirm, "are not only beautiful but emanate power."
ORAÏK in VOGUE Paris, August 2017
Online article:
FR: http://www.vogue.fr/joaillerie/le-bijou-du-jour/diaporama/oraik-bijoux-bagues-bracelet/45311
EN: https://www.vogue.fr/jewelry/jewelry-collection/diaporama/oraik-jewelry-rings-bracelets/45349
Coup de cœur : les bijoux primitifs d’ORAÏK
par Mélanie Nauche
“Symboles préhistoriques, totems africains et pierres porte-bonheur : un esprit tribal souffle sur le monde de la joaillerie.
Lorsqu’Elvira Golombosi et Hector Lasso, deux férus de joaillerie et de mythes anciens, unissent leur talent, le résultat est forcément emprunt de spiritualité. Porté par la croyance selon laquelle les bijoux transmettent des pouvoirs surnaturels, le duo imagine une première collection de bagues et bracelets au charme ethnique. Magician, Magic Runner, Clairvoyant : autant de répliques d’animaux au minimalisme préhistorique, masques africains miniatures et pierres précieuses montées sur or jaune. Chaque pièce, unique, est entièrement réalisée à la main dans le studio des créateurs à Ibiza. Ne reste plus qu’à choisir la sienne en fonction du pouvoir souhaité.”
Firm favorites: ORAÏK's primitive style jewelry
by Mélanie Nauche, translated by Nicole Rayment
“From prehistoric symbols to African totems and lucky charms, a tribal spirit breathes new life over the jewelry world.
When two avid enthusiasts of jewelry and ancient myths Elvira Golombosi and Hector Lasso joined forces, the result was completely entrenched in spirituality. Driven by the belief that jewelry possesses supernatural forces, the duo created their first collection of ethnic charm rings and bracelets. Magician, Magic Runner and Clairvoyant are among the many prehistoric minimal animal replicas, as well as miniature African masks and precious stones in yellow gold. Each piece is unique and entirely handmade in the designers’ Ibiza studio. All you need to do is choose yours according to your desired power.”
Online article: http://www.thejewelleryeditor.com/brands/oraik/
“ORAÏK was founded by Elvira Golombosi and Hector Lasso, who are both artists and jewellers, on the bohemian Balearic island of Ibiza. Elvira studied ceramics and contemporary jewellery design, while Hector studied sculpting and silversmithing before heading to the school of jewellery Lycée Nicolas Flamel in Paris. ORAÏK’s jewels are set in 18-carat gold, and have a tribal, hand-hewn style often featuring wild animals with precious gemstone detailing.”
“From glow-in-the-dark earrings to a hand-hewn ring made on the bohemian island of Ibiza, get the party started with our edit of festival jewels.
Based on the bohemian island of Ibiza, ORAÏK is a collaboration between the artists and jewellers Elvira Golombosi and Hector Lasso. Inspired by dreams and imagination, their jewels have an authentic organic quality to them and feature mythical creatures like this Silent Walker, which has amethysts for ears and orange sapphires for eyes.”
ORAÏK in NASTY magazine, 2017
Online article: http://www.nastymagazine.com/fashion/from-nature-by-eduardo-miera/
A fashion story photographed by Eduardo Miera and styled by Annah Segarra.
Jewellery by ORAÏK.